Working Together To Put Your Children First

Whether you are a parent who is getting divorced or your relationship with your co-parent has ended, you need a solid child support plan, and you need to know how much child support will be paid. At Landon Law, LLC, I help parents work out their child-related conflicts with compassion and determination to find a solution that works for their children.

I am honored to be one of the few certified Case Managers in Kansas. A Case Manager is appointed by the Court. Once appointed, I am authorized to assist parents and the Court in child custody conflicts and make recommendations to the Court. I know how sensitive these disputes can be. My goal in every custody disagreement is to use my skill and experience to find an answer that puts your children’s best interests first while balancing your rights as a parent.

In addition, I am a trained Guardian Ad Litem (GAL). This is a court-appointed role to represent the best interests of the child during custody or divorce proceedings. This allows me to be involved in negotiations concerning custody arrangements.

Factors Considered In Child Custody Disputes

When parents cannot agree on custody and a judge must decide, the law directs the Court to consider several factors such as:

  • The parents’ preferences
  • The child’s preferences, in certain circumstances
  • The child’s educational and health needs

The child’s best interests are the top priority, not the parents’ legal rights or preferences.

Child Support In Kansas

Like most states, Kansas uses a formula to determine how much child support should be paid and who should pay it. Factors include the parents’ current gross incomes, parenting time, the number of children involved and those children’s ages.

Find Out More

For more specific answers about your child custody or support case, contact my Olathe office for a free consultation with me. You can reach me by calling 913-355-1202 or by using my online intake form.